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Easy-to-use and made in the USA, the Single Dropper Loop is a surf fishing rig equipped with one size 2 J-hook and 20-pound fluorocarbon leader line (one hook on one branch of line) suitable for targeting Surf Perch, Croaker (yellowfin, spotfin, corbina), Bass and general species using any sort of sand crabs, worms, shellfish, Fishbites strips, squid strips, anchovy or shrimp bait. 


This is a great rig for beginners, youngsters fishing with shorter rods and for catching small to medium-size species from the surf, pier or jetty.



  • Size 2 Cox & Rawle Tanago hook - ultra-sharp, premium-quality 
  • 20-pound fluorocarbon leader line
  • Single dropper loop
  • 60-lb sinker clip
  • 60-lb swivel
  • All made from top-quality corrosion-resistant components


As with all of our rigs, the Single Loop has been tested extensively in personal and guided surf fishing sessions, putting countless croaker (spotfin in particular), surf perch, small sharks, rays and shovelnose on the beach for clients and customers.


It's a really easy rig to use and makes catching a mix of edible species out of the surf straightforward - you just need to add bait and a sinker, and you're ready to go.




1) Remove rig from spool by pulling swivel end of the rig and carefully unwinding from the spool until you can unsecure the sinker clip from the pin. Attach rig to mainline (recommended: 8-12ft, 10-20lb fluorocarbon casting leader) via top swivel using palomar or uni knot, and attach a 0.5 – 3oz surf sinker onto sinker clip


2) Attach bait to hook; we recommend 1 medium-size or 2 to 3 small sand crabs, a lightly-hooked fingernail-size strip of Fishbites, small sandworms, bloodworm sections, worm-size squid strips, chunks of ghost or market shrimp, clam meat, mussel meat, Berkley Gulp! Sandworms in one inch sections, anchovy cut bait, shiners, sardine sections etc


3) If using a soft bait like mussel meat, try a few turns of ASF Light Bait Elastic ( to keep it in place when casting and to keep small fish from removing the bait


4) If surf fishing, target deeper sections (troughs, gullies, holes, channels, areas where the waves aren’t breaking) or near structure such as rocks, jetties, pilings, docks etc


5) Please note that this rig is designed to cast sinkers no heavier than 2oz. This is not a distance casting rig.

Single Dropper Loop | Surf Perch, Corbina and Croaker Surf Fishing Rig

PriceFrom $6.99

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