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Easy-to-use, USA-made single-hook dropper loop rockfish and lingcod rig with glow-in-the-dark / luminous squid hoochie lures and glowing attractor beads suitable for targeting Rockfish, Lingcod, Whitefish, and deep water species using squid, livebait or cut bait. Comes in two or four packs.


The single dropper loop allows the use of a jig, lure or iron-type bait in place of a sinker, whilst remaining legal for West Coast fisheries with a two-hook rule for rockfish rigs.



  • Size 4/0 Cox & Rawle Ultra Chinu hook - super-sharp, long-shank J-hooks
  • Luminous squid hoochie lure (50mm)
  • 40lb (0.55mm) Opsin fluorocarbon
  • Single dropper loop construction - one hook on one branch of line
  • 200lb sinker clip - easy-to-use clip will accommodate any size of sinker
  • 200lb swivel
  • All high-quality, corrosion-resistant components


Instructions & tips:

1) Attach rig to mainline (recommended: 10-30ft, 40-60lb mono or fluorocarbon top shot / abrasion leader) via top swivel using palomar or uni knot, and attach a suitable size (2 - 24oz) ringed torpedo sinker or jig bait onto sinker clip at the bottom of rig


2) Bait hook with squid strips, squid heads, live sardines, live anchovies, mackerel strips or any sort of fresh, local cut bait. Using real bait and glow-in-the-dark lure combined maximises hook-ups. Squid heads are ideal for the 4/0 hooks on this rig


3) Drop to bottom taking care to keep the rig within a few feet of the ocean floor, or higher if fishing really rough ground


4) The one-hook double dropper loop rig (or gangion) is a versatile set-up for general rockfish, groundfish and sportboat fishing. Our favorite baits for use with this rig are squid heads or small live baits (sardines and anchovy)

Single Dropper Loop Rockfish Rig - 4/0 Hook, 40lb Fluorocarbon Line

PriceFrom $8.99

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